Saturday 14 September

There was no war cry this morning as our porters and trekkers respected the Sabbath. Then it was another tough trek out of camp to start the day with a climb of 60 minutes to the top, this got the lungs going. However, at the top was some amazing views of the Maguli Ranges, where it was reported the Japanese could see the lights of Moresby. It was a long 2-hour hike to get to the next rest stop, then a short hike down for 30 minutes to Ofi Creek for a swim. The trekkers then went up to the campsite for morning tea.

After morning tea, it was back onto the track for one of the toughest climbs of the trek to date, hiking up Irobaiwa Ridge; this was the final advance of the main Japanese army. The trekkers dropped their packs here and took a short 15-minute hike to see a Japanese Ammunition Dump and Japanese slit trenches, before trekking back to the track and hiking down the ridge to the Village of Irobaiwa for lunch.

After lunch it was back onto the track for a 45-minute hike down to Ua Ule Creek. They had a quick break before trekking across the creek a dozen or so times, heading their way to the Ua Ule creek campsite. You can never predict the weather the trekkers will experience on the track, as it started to rain at 11am and continued to get heavy around 1:30pm for an hour. After arriving in camp at 4pm per schedule they enjoyed a swim. Everyone is travelling well, and some canโ€™t believe itโ€™s their last day of hiking tomorrow. All the trekkers are excited and looking forward to Imita Ridge tomorrow before the finish line, Owers Cnr.

Michael O'Malley