Australian Kokoda Tours

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Friday 13 September

Today was a half day of trekking however, it was still a tough one. The trekkers made their way out of Menari for 20 minutes before crossing a small bridge, and then another 30-minute hike to a rest break. After this they trekked the first accent of the day up to the Menari lookout, where they could see the village in the distance that they camped at the night before. They trekked down the ridge for 45 minutes and refilled their water before they crossed the swamp on the way to Brown River, the trekkers had the opportunity for an enjoyable swim. Then they trekked a short 15 minutes to Amaduri village for morning tea, and then back into the swamp for 45 minutes to make their way to the base of the false peaks. They rested here before continuing up the seemingly never-ending slopes of the Maguli Range for 60 minutes to arrive in today’s camp at New Nauro Village. The weather was perfect today, it wasn’t too hot for the trekkers and the track was dry. They arrived in camp at 1pm per schedule and are now enjoying an early end to the day, with some doing a bit of washing and a few men having an afternoon nap.